What's Ur Social Responsibility

 Every time i speak with friends, colleagues or seniors about the current state of education generally, the major concern always seem to revolve around three (3) factors; capacity, conditions and control/monitoring. permit me to to elaborate these briefly.
Capacity - According to Merriam Webster,  has overtime been overlooked and painfully replaced with charisma, connections and audacity. Most of the time when things go wrong, it is not always the case of corruption but mostly of capacity. Personally, i have planned on carrying out some tasks but
then i couldn't execute them effectively and sincerely, i discovered that i did not have the know-how to make it happen. There will be more talks on capacity on this blog but for now, let's move on to Conditions - recently, the government has been clamoring for the return of Nigerians in the diaspora to come home and support our development but we have failed to realize that we have not set the right atmosphere for delivery. A lot of things are so not in place - conducive learning environment, practice/experiment spaces, access to up-to-date resources, etc. Every field of study has a practical side to it but we seem to be ridiculously satisfied with the theoretical only, leading painfully to an unproductive cycle. On the issue of Monitoring and Control; no matter how much amenities, industries, platforms and perfect work environment is made available, without these two, nothing will last and users/consumers will abuse them.
Well, I have found a way to express my most passionate hobby - teaching, singing, playing and dancing with children. I hope that we all do so maybe we can increase capacity, create the most productive conditions and maybe, just maybe, we could make a difference and we would not need to be monitored or controlled.


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