The Lady, Her Family & Her Church

So on Sunday, my pastor shared something very deep about the presence of God. He said that people are attracted to you mostly because of the presence/atmosphere around you. E.g, as a performing artiste, people invite/book you because of the presence/charisma that you diffuse. So i'ld say, do everything possible to stay in God's presence. it reflects on the many successes in your journey. For the kingdom of God can be likened unto a man who having found a plot of land that had treasures, he goes and sells all he's got to buy it. You see, Church is where i draw strength from. No matter how daunting happenings around me may seem, i'm constantly reminded of God's grace and presence available to me. Thank you Pastor Jedafe, for constantly dining at the Master's table. You are always a blessing to me and my family. ‪#‎BreathOfLifeMinistry‬ ‪#‎GodLover‬‪#‎IandMyFamilyWillServetheLord‬


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